Alessandro Ferrante
IT Expert"I have no special talent. I'm passionately curious" A.Einstein
I’m a Developer & AI Student
This is my info—I'm sharing all this with ya’ll to show you the work I've done in recent years. Once you're continue to scroll down,you can see details and info about me.
About me
Hi!👋🏼 I’m Alessandro.
🌍 I’ve been born and raised in the planet Earth, and that’s also where i’m based.
👨🏼💻 I’m currently a Computer Science student at the University of Catania.
🔭 When i’m not coding, writing or creating, I love read about astronomy phisic and over new technlogies, and I try to learn the digits of pi!
2022-in progress
- Three-year degree course in Computer Science L-31, University of Catania
- High school diploma in IT and Telecommunications, State Industrial Technical Institute
"Meglio curiosi che intelligenti."
Alberto Giannone
«As an expert in cryptography and cybersecurity,
I have never understood the current commotion surrounding the open source software movement.
In the world of cryptography we consider open source necessary for good security; [...]
Public safety is always safer than proprietary safety.
This is true for encryption algorithms, security protocols, and security source codes.
For us, open source is not just a business model; It's a smart engineering practice.»
Bruce Schneier
«Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.»
Edsger Dijkstra
«The work expands to occupy all the available time; the longer the time, the more important and demanding the work seems.»
Cyril Northcote Parkinson
Our existence is nothing but a sentence in the book of the universe.
"Meglio curiosi che intelligenti."
Alberto Giannone
«As an expert in cryptography and cybersecurity,
I have never understood the current commotion surrounding the open source software movement.
In the world of cryptography we consider open source necessary for good security; [...]
Public safety is always safer than proprietary safety.
This is true for encryption algorithms, security protocols, and security source codes.
For us, open source is not just a business model; It's a smart engineering practice.»
Bruce Schneier
«Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.»
Edsger Dijkstra
«The work expands to occupy all the available time; the longer the time, the more important and demanding the work seems.»
Cyril Northcote Parkinson